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 Tim bai hat "Chua da xa roi vinh quang thuong gioi

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ttcao Posted - 04/26/06 : 08:33
Hoi o vn ca doan cua toi co hat 1 bai nghe rat hay, co tua de la Tantum, cau dau tien cua bai hat la "Chua da xa roi vinh quang thuong gioi...". Neu anh chi nao biet duoc cac chi tiet khac ve bai hat nay (title, author, vietnamese lyrics, score, ...) xin vui long cho biet.

Xin cam on nhieu lam

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ple22 Posted - 04/26/06 : 09:45
Gởi bạn bài Tantum Ergo

Tantum Ergo.enc
36 KB

Tantum Ergo PDF.pdf
85.49 KB

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